Tuesday, February 19, 2008

respond from emonell

Friday, February 15, 2008

40K just to say "marry me"...

Sigh. Kepala pusing. Mo Ngan Tai.

The most talked topic in blogosphere right now ,apart from GE-12 , is the 40K ringgit billboard marriage proposal by a hick named David to his beloved significant half, Kelly Tan E Li along LDP highway on Valentine's Day.

The lamest trick out of the book. All the strain he has to get down to was to copy from our typical "Taiwanese ah-beng ah-lian romance movie" for his puny insincere trick, and incorporate it as if it's his own hard thought concept and ideas. You know why I deplore his method of kao-ing his lady? The answer is simply. Lack of sincerity and utterly boastful.

First and foremost, of course it's not my deal to say anything if he's a wealthy rich middle-men who has tones of money to spend and it's justiciable for him to do so but to be spendthrift at the age of 26 I presume he must either earns 6 digit per month or he has a super wealthy daddy. His particular as disclosed in the newspaper, Mr. David here works as an account executive in an advertising company. EXECUTIVE sial!!!! How often can you find an executive at age 26? fucking rare if you ask me.

There's only 2 ways to mould an elusive young executive breed like David here. First, he must have started building his career earlier way before he finishes his PMR examination, in other word a genius who walks faster than the rest of the common people and climbs the corporate ladder like playing snake and ladder(excuse the lame comparison). Or two, that it's his dad's fucking company he's currently holding that executive position in! From his dorky look, we can safely concede its the latter mould because as we know , a genius wouldn't have done what he had did.

Fine, he has a rich daddy. We're envious. You can't expect a filty rich man's son not to be treated as a prince and spends his dad's hard(easy?) earned money unfetteringly right? It's like asking Lim Goh Tong's descendant not to use a single shit of his bloodshed money.

So next intrigue question is, why do you need to waste so much of money to dupe a ladies heart? Is it Kelly's chee-bye made out of plated gold as Shadowfox eloquently put it. Kelly Tan E Li , at first I mistaken her occupation as a nail polisher as I wasn't paying much attention into my reading (just wanna skip the deceitful conspiracial article) so almost fume at David's foolhardy act for unnecessarily wasting money for a pathetic twat. As I read carefully, Kelly Tan rupa-rupanya is a nail salon owner in Bangsar and she's just 24 years old. WTF! This one more teruk. Her own business somemore. At her age, girls ngam-ngam start to build their career in this highly competitive gender equal world. Some have to sacrifice their dignity just to get the opportunity to earn higher than the rest unlike Kelly here. No doubt, without any refute, her nail salon must be modal by her sweet ah pah who can't effort to see her sweet little over-pampered princess suffers the brunt of being someone's employee.

I want to recapitulate. It's clearly obvious that the so call romantic billboard marriage proposal was a rich man's game. Only dumbass rich unfillial doofus kid will idiotically and blatantly announces his wealth to the general public and making a big ass huge 40k offer for criminal to kidnap his ass and extort the hell off shit out of his dad's coffin saving.

Me and my brother has conceded that it's normal for you to spendthrift, boast out your wealthiness if you wanna shag a rich man's daughter because no way poor guy like yours trully gonna get hitch with a rich man's daughter whose willing to eat bobo chacha with you by the roadside enduring all the carbon dioxide. If that ever happens, pigs can fly edi.

Quote from my brother, " Ini adalah seumpama mengunakan duit untuk menghimpit orang" (Lo chin lei tat yan)

My best wishes to David and Kelly, may both of you escape prospect extortion envisaged gonna bestowed on you and your family members and may God always be myside.

Rm 40K .....yes, i do......

Will u marry me?

Ad exec stuns girlfriend with RM54,000 marriage proposal

PETALING JAYA: For this Valentine’s Day, businesswoman Kelly Tan E Li got an unexpected marriage proposal.

It was “wrapped” in a RM14,000 diamond ring and a huge billboard advertisement in which her boyfriend publicly declared his intentions.

Billboard proposal: Ad man David Tan came up with a unique marriage proposal. He spent RM40,000 on a billboard and RM14,000 on a diamond ring to pop the question to his girlfriend Kelly Tan on Valentine’s Day. – KAMARUL ARIFFIN / The Star
“This is the biggest surprise of my life. And, the whole thing started as a very normal Wednesday. We went out for dinner and my boyfriend David Tan insisted on sending me home.

“The date ended very late, close to midnight. We got talking in the car and as we drove along the LDP in Kelana Jaya, he got excited and asked me to look at an “interesting” billboard by the side of the road,” said Kelly, 24.

As David was working in an advertising firm, Kelly assumed he wanted to show her some fancy new advertisements.

“I looked and was stunned. David’s picture was on the board! And beside his picture, were the magic words 'Kelly Tan E Li, will you marry me?'

“I was so shocked and could not speak for about 10 minutes. He finally smiled when I told him 'yes',” said Kelly.

And the RM40,000 billboard was not the only surprise.

Immediately after Kelly said yes, David pulled out a box and inside, was a sparkling diamond ring.

“I cannot ask for a more memorable Valentine’s Day. I really want to thank David for this unique proposal,” said Kelly, a nail salon owner in Bangsar.

David, 26, said he had planned this surprise for some time. He only wanted the best for Kelly.

The accounts executive said he deliberately proposed on Valentine’s Day so that they could remember this day with fondness in the future.

“I work in an advertising company and am always thinking out of the box to come up with new concepts and ideas. I wanted my marriage proposal to be unique,” said David.

He added that luck was definitely on his side for him to be able to book one of the billboards along the LDP, which were highly in demand.

“The fact that I managed to book one especially on Valentine’s Day is so lucky. Hopefully, our marriage will be equally amazing,” said David.

The couple met at a friend’s house during Chinese New Year three years ago and started dating six months later.

David has already started planning for the wedding.

“It should be held sometime at the end of this year or early next year.

“I cannot wait to marry Kelly. She is an amazing woman and she deserves all the attention I shower on her,” he said.



    仍然懷念他 捽西當做挖沙
    一片黑摺飽 期望中出一下
    獨白:以後我都無用過支ky 至於刀甲......
    為求發洩出一切 唔戴套亦無它
    人人談論我 將我當做笑話
    因我吹過他 唔及寶寶功駕
    獨白:不過 點都好過果個Edison丫 佢潛左水之後 就無返過黎喇
    但能夠與他打炮 沒有用套都不怕
    *我最初嫩紅 現在屎眼通紅
    我再不嫩紅 但願不似黑洞
    插晒但仍沒有feel到 預計之中
    然而佢越插越激動 這奶撻感覺怎形容
    肛交難忘 掉到好痛(肛交難忘 搞到好痛)
    拿著舊日合照 相中我在吃香蕉
    為何擒住她 屎忽已被插花
    抽插得太多 求用ky一下
    奇拿要放出一切 別要動氣責怪他
    Repeat *

YB Samy Velu

Favorite Quote from Samy Velu

1) Samy Velu on pos laju "BESOK KIRIM, HARI INI SAMPAI"

2) The one on TV when in trying to say he was ashamed, he said:`Kemaluan saya besar`

3) On drugs, "Jangan hisap dada"

4) Samy said in a ceramah "Kita akan bina satu jambatan untuk orong-orong kampong disini", one pakcik asked, "Datuk, sini takde sungai,buatapa bina jambatan?" and Samy glorious replied,"Kalau takde sungai,kita bina sungai!"

5) Samy's favorite quote on national television "Toll naik sikit,manyak marah saya. You ingat semua ini toll saya punya bapa punya kah!"

6) During the water shortage crisis : "semua orang diminta jgn membuang aiyerr..!"

7) During blood donation campaign in Sg Siput: "..marilah kita semua menderma dara.."

8) During the opening speech of various function: "...selamat datang saudara-mara semua.." (actually
is "saudara-saudari" )

9) At an opening ceremony: "mempersilakan datin paduka rafidah aziz naik ke pentas utk membuka kain"

10) Commenting about his modesty: "sebenarnya, kemaluan saya sangat-sangat besar"


niama......mou ngan tai.....






   沈殿霞1947年生于上海,名门之后,后到香港发展。因身材丰满而被称为“肥肥”、“肥姐”,也有人称“开心果”、“阿肥”,其标志为多年不变的发型, 及尖稍向上的黑框眼镜;是香港著名女演员,尤擅担任现场直播节目司仪。除影视外,也经常参与歌唱演出,曾与罗文组成《情侣合唱团》和汪明荃、王爱明、张德 兰(即张圆圆)组成《四朵金花》,灌录过不少电视剧插曲。

steven lim

walaooo....wat r u doing....damn.....
siasui Singaporean la.....

luckily im not Singaporean.....

steven....pokkai la....

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陈冠希....谢谢你.. 要不是你,还真的看不到所谓"玉女"的裸照..

你的样子很咸,嘴巴很甜,很爱舔... 是不是舔太多导致嘴巴歪掉?

edison....u'r my man.......yoooooo.....